
Author: ArtAlbum OrgUa      Format: TTF      Downloads: 6255     
Font Narbut based on one of the typefaces created by Heorhiy Ivanovych Narbut. Includes only uppercase letters of Ukrainian alphabet and most suitable for decorative using.
Font Нарбут
Author: Андрій Шевченко      Format: OTF      Downloads: 4405     
The modern business Ukrainian font typesetting. Semiclosed grotesque of traditional forms. Effective for use in business documents.
Font Арсенал
Author: ArtAlbum OrgUa      Format: TTF      Downloads: 8575     
A font contains eight symbols. Call them while turn on a Latin keyboard set (for use in different countries) and type (in uppercase) letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Example of using in Microsoft Word you can see on the picture.
Font Tryzub
Kobzar KS
Author: Колектив Авторів      Format: OTF      Downloads: 5825     
Font «Kobzar KS» very easy and expressive. Due to the large number of ligatures and alternative, signs gradually fall in line, and inscriptions appear naturally. This font will add a soul any text. And it the perfect way to Ukrainian text coloring! License in zip-file. You can read more at the official website:
Font Kobzar KS
Road UA
Author: Колектив Авторів      Format: ZIP      Downloads: 1160     

Road UA - new road font of Ukraine

Author - Andrii Konstantynov, Mint Type. Introduced by Агенти змін together with UState Road Agency of Ukraine and State Road Research Institute State Enterprise in 2020 during the creation of new road navigation project.

License CC BY-ND 4.0 - be sure to specify authors when using, copy, distribute and use for commercial purposes, it is forbidden to modify, sell and restrict the use of this font.

Font Road UA

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125th 1939-1945 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 35th 36th 37th aborigine accessories accipiter acorns (oaknuts) action hero actor addax antelope Africa Aidar air assault forces air mobile airborne troops aircraft Airwheel AK-74 Aladdin alauda aliens All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda alligator America An An-178 Anatoliy Hrytsenko anchor anemones angel animals animation anime Anna Akhmatova antelope Antonov aquarelle aquarius arch archangel Michael argali argali Ariel aries Armed Forces of Ukraine Arnold Schwarzenegger arrows art arthropod artillery artist Artiushenko Asia assault rifle assembly point astrological signs astronaut athletes Australia Austria-Hungary auto Autonomous Republic of Crimea awards ax Azov background bactrian deer badger bag Bakhmut ball bananas bandura bank banner baran Bart Simpson Barvinok Baryshev basket batrachomorph battalion Baturyn bears beaver Belarus belt Berdychiv bezoar ibex bicycle biker Bila Tserkva Bilobozhnytsia biology birds black black grouse Black sea black widow blaze Blessed Virgin Mary blossom blue boar board boat bobbin Bogdan Khmelnytsky bones bonfire books border box boy Bozhedarivka bread brigade Britain Brody Brody raion brown bubalus bucket buffalo anoa buildings bull bullfinch bus bush butterfly buttons cabbage butterfly cake calendar camel cancer cannabis capercaillie capreolus caricature Carpathians cartridge (firearms) cartridge (firearms) cat cauldron cavemen cayman celebrity center ceramics certificate chamomile Charles Darwin Chechelnyk cheetah Chelm land Cherevky Cherkasy Chernihiv Chernihiv principality Chernivtsi chess chess piece chess piece bishop chessboard chevron children chipmunk chlamydomonas chocolate chordate Chornomorets Chornovil Chornukhy raion Chortkiv raion Christianization of Ukraine Rus' Christmas chronostratigraphy church Chutove raion circle city Civil Position clay clef clothing clover CMP coat of arms coffee coiffure color color comedy company (army) compass rose composer computer concrete concrete mixing plant cone Constitution of Ukraine construction continents coral Coral travel corps corvette cossacs cottage county crab Crimea Crimean Khanate critic crocodile cross crown crows crucian cup cycling Daniel of Galicia (Halych) death deck decoration deer demoiselle crane desert dormouse designer Desnianskyi area Despicable me device diamond Dieva dinasty dinosaurs dipodidae dishes diver Dmytrivka Dnipro Dniprodzerzhynsk Dnipropetrovsk Dnipropetrovsk region do not step do not throw doberman document dodecahedron dogs Donetsk Donetsk region donkey door drama draughts drawer drilling machine drinks driver Drohobych drop drum Dubno ducks dugong DUK PS Dykanka Dykanka raion Dynamo Kyiv dzeren eagle eagles earring ears (botany) Earth East Easter Easter egg patterns elements Easter island Echinoderms ecology edelweiss education education egg election electricity electronics elephant elk emblem embroidery engineer England Erasov Ernest Hemingway esox northern pike Estonia EU euglena viridis Euro-2000 Europe Europe Union exit experiments Fadin fairytales faith family famine fashion FC FC Karpaty Feodosia field FIFA fig sign fire fire service fire-extinguisher fish fisherman Fisherman-sportsman fist flag flame flamingo fleet floor broom Florian-T flowerpot flowers folklorist food football club Football Federation of Ukraine forest fox fragile France freedom frigate frog fruits furniture game gas gavial Gaza strip gazella subgutturosa gazelle geese gemini geochronological scale geology Georges Cuvier Georgia Germany gesture ghost girl glass glasses Glebov goat gold golden goose Gorbatov Grand Duchy of Lithuania grass gray great bustard green greyhound grille ground squirrel guard gun guns Hadiach Hadiach raion Halychyna handle with care hands harshnep Hayao Miyazaki head headphones heart helicopter helmet heraldic shield Hetmanat himalayan goral history Hlobyno raion holiday Holodomor Holodomor 1932-1933 Homer Simpson Horlivka horned owl horns horoscope horses house household Hrebinka Raion hryvnia hucho humor hunters hunting horn Hunting spaces hut hutsuls ibex ice hockey icons Illichivets illustration India industry infographics International Legion of Ukraine Internet invertebrates Iron man Irpin Italy items Ivan Drach Ivan Michurin Ivano-Frankivsk jaeger jaguar Japan Jasmine jet rocket jewelry Kalashnikov assault rifle Kalush Kamianets-Podilskyy kangaroo Kaniv Karlivka raion keep dry Kerch Kharash Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytskyy Kievan Rus bank king king of animals Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia Kirovograd region Kirovohrad kitchen knife knight knitting knitting needles Kobeliaky raion kobza kolovrat Kolyndiany Kotelva raion Kovel Kovpanenko Kozelshchyna raion Kraken Kramatorsk Kremenchuk Krolevets Krynychky raion Kryvbas Kryvyy Rih Kuznetsov Kyiv Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Kyiv region Kyiv-2 Kyrylo Hryhorovych Stetsenko label lamp landing landmark lands landscape lantern Latvia lavra laws Le Tour de France leaves legion Lemky region leopard letters Life on earth lion Lithuania living block lizard locksmith locomotive logo Loh Ness Lokhvytsia raion London Louis Pasteur love lozenge Lubny raion Luhansk Luhansk region lute Lutsk Lviv Lviv region lynx macaque machine magazine mailbox mallard Mamay mammals man manatee manul map marbled polecat marine brigade marine corps Mariupol markhor markhur marmot marten masons meat mechanics mechanized Medaqouistic medicine Melitopol mermaid metal Metalist Mezhova Mezhova area microorganism middle ages Milan military minesweeper minion mink moai modelling Mogyliv-Podilsky Moldova molluscs money monkeys monument monument moon morality Moshchevitin Mother of Jesus Motherland-mother moto motorcycle motorcyclist motorized mouflon mountains movie movie star music music musical instruments musician musk deer musket muskrat Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky Mykola Lysenko Mykolaiv Nagasakі nature nautilus nest never again new year night Nikola Tesla Nikopol Noman Celebicihan note Novomoskovsk oak oak leaves oblast Obukhiv Obukhiv raion ocean Odesa Odessa region office Oksana Boyko Oleksandriia orangutans Orans order origami ornament Orzhytsia Orzhytsia raion Ostap Bender otter OUN owl painter painter Pan Ekonom panda Panteleimon Kulish panther paper papercutting parachute parachuter paramecium caudatum parareptiles party patriotism pattern pawn pelican pencil penguin people People's Front Pershotravensk person PESA 620M PESA Bydgoszcz SA Petropavlivka Petropavlivsk area pheasant phylogeny pig pillow pine tree pintail pipe pisces sign pistol pistol Fort pithecanthropus plane plant plant plant Plast plastic playwright Ploske plum plunger Podillia poet Pogrebyshche pointer Pokrovske Poland polar bear polar fox police Polissia region Polissian Sich politician politics Poltava Poltava oblast pony poppy portrait post poster pot powder flask Pravyi Sector prehistory Premier League of Ukraine Presov region principality print Probizhna products profession Professional Football League of Ukraine programming prosecutor's office protection prototseratops psychology ptarmigan puma purple pyramid pysanka (Easter eggs) quadrangle quail queen rabbit radio railroad rain rat receipt red reed reef reel regiment region reindeer religion reptiles rescue researcher rest retro rhinoceros rhombus ribbon rifle righteye flounders ring Rivne Rivne region road signs road signs 2013 Robert Day Allen robot rodents rook rooster root rose rotunda ruble ruscizm rusnia Russia Russian Empire Ruthenian voivodeship saber sable sable antelope sagittarius sign Saint Nicholas Saky sander Santa Claus scales school science scientist scissors scorpio sculpture sea sea otter seals second world war Self-Defense Ukraine Serbia Serhii Tsilov Serhiy Mishakin Sevastopol shadow Shakhtar shark shell shellfish Sherlock Holmes shield ship shoe shoes shoot Shyshaky raion Sicheslav sight grid sign signs of zodiac silhouette Simferopol Simonov Simpsons skein skull sky sky-blue Sloviansk smile Smirnov smoke snail snail snake snow Snow White Snow White and Seven Dwarfs snowball tree snowflake soccer social networks soldier sorbus Soviet Union space spear sperm whale spices spider sport sport spring spruce square squid squirrel stamp star Starbucks State Border Guard Service of Ukraine State Fiscal Service stationery stegosaurus stencil Stepan sticker stone stone tools stove Stradivarius stratigraphy submarine summer Sumy sun sunflower SunPower support Svejk swallow swans sweets sword sword symbol synapsids t-shirts talpa tamga tape recorder Taras Shevchenko taurotragus antelope taurus tea technics Terminator Ternopil Ternopil oblast Terranova Agro territorial defense territorial defense brigade texture the globe theromorph this side up tiger tit Tom and Jerry Torenergo Totoro Tour Bonzhur towel town toys tractor tradition traffic rules train translator transport trapping travel tree triangle triceratops trident troglodytes tropics truck tsunami Turkmenіstan turnip moth UEFA Ukraine Ukraine-Rus Ukrainian State Ukrainian Volunteer Corps Ukrainka town Uman umbrella unicorn unmanned aviation brigade UNR USA USSR Utkin Uzhhorod Valentine Day Valerii Siurh Vasyl Stefanyk vegetables Velyka Bahachka raion Verkhnodniprovsk Verkhnodniprovsk raion vicugna video village Vilni Kryla Vinnytsia Vinnytsia region virgo viviparus voivodeship Volantis Volyn Volyn voivodeship Vorskla wader war warning warrior water weapon web graphics whales wheat white white oryx Wi-Fi window wings winter wolf wolverine woman woodpecker world World War I wreath writer Yahilnytsia Yakushyntsi yarn Yaskrava Linia year yellow Zakarpattia Zalissia Zaporizhzhia Zaporizhzhia cossack Zdolbuniv raion Zdovbytsia Zhovti vody Zhytomyr Zinkiv raion zodiac ZSU


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